Cruise 2010

Mom, elsaf, judiang and I all returned to our respective homes today after our beautiful, wonderful 7 day cruise. I had a wonderful time and wrote long entries for each day of the cruise, which I will post to my journal this coming week. (I’m far too tired to do it today.) If they don’t pop up on your friends list and you’re curious to see what all went on, look for the tag “cruise” (which this entry is tagged with). I don’t know how LJ does back-dated entries. Will learn soon enough!

Anyhoo, in anticipation of the coming entries, I leave you with a photo of the four intrepid explorers as they rest for a spell on Eleuthera.

Four Intrepid Explorers
Elsa, Judi, me, and Mom. Aren’t we cute?

4 thoughts on “Cruise 2010

  1. Did Elsa not get the cloth hat memo? Glad y’all had such a wonderful time. Didn’t know Mom went with you! Goodness – at least with a hat and sunglasses on you two look a lot alike. Great picture!

    1. My sister looks more like mom than I do, but thanks for the compliment. 🙂 She was a fun traveling partner.

    1. Heh heh – thanks! Mom, dad, and I do the matching hats/sunglasses thing on walks these days. 🙂

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