B-WISER 2010 goes by FAST!

Hard to believe that camp is almost over. We had our last day of classes today. I think version 0.99B of the Energy Course was an improvement upon last year’s version 0.99A. But it’s still in Beta.

On Tuesday, we had teacher’s night out, which was, as usual, a blast. The six of us loaded into Dee’s van at 4pm and headed to Toyrifix, the cool toy store outside of Wooster. They had a number of new items which I wound up buying. Even found a small gift to give dad as part of his birthday gift.

After the toy store, we went to Cape Cod Red Slobster for supper. Carolyn ordered appetizers for us, and several of us had drinks. I had a mango daiquiri which was very yummy. (I didn’t used to like daiquiris, so maybe my tastes are changing – or maybe I only like mango ones). The appetizers were stuffed mushrooms (which I didn’t have), fried clams, and scallops wrapped in bacon. Yummy. For my main course, I opted for coconut shrimp and crab legs. We were all stuffed when we shuffled back to the van and on to the movie theater.

The theater had a number of movies (and it was $5 night), but we wound up picking Killers, a movie I knew nothing about. It started a bit later than the others, so we had some time to visit the craft store next to the theater. The store is Pat Cattan’s and it reminded me a bit of Hobby Lobby. I found some sodium polyacrylate “pearls” that they were selling which were much larger than any I’ve seen before, so I bought a box.

Back to the theater, we watched the movie and really enjoyed ourselves. Romance, violence, humor, pretty people and Tom Selleck made for quite a fun evening. We were still chuckling about the movie when Dee got us back to the dorm.

So anyhoo, about that key piece of equipment which I realized I hadn’t packed (back in April) – turned out I also needed it for the second lab! Thanks to Mary, our liaison extraordinaire, I got some digital voltmeters which I could hook to the solar panels and we were able to do that lab. And the girls really liked the solar powered cars we got them.

The week finally cooled off today, so hopefully tonight will be an easier night to sleep. Right now the girls are outside doing their talent show, while a few of us are inside listening from inside (where there are no mosquitoes). Tomorrow we have exemplars (female scientists) who will talk to the girls, then the final ceremony (and I’m not doing the slide show – yay!). And then I leave my peeps here *sniff* but get to go home to my kitties *yay*.

B-WISER 2010

If it’s Father’s Day, then I must be at B-WISER! (Happy Father’s Day to those of you who are fathers!)

I got up early this morning and was on the road to Wooster by 8:15am. Arrived at the dorm around 11:30am and immediately spied Ann, the nurse. The two of us headed to Applebee’s to meet up with Joyce & Dee, who were saving spaces for us. We had lunch, then returned to campus where I dropped Ann off at the dorm & moved on to Severance, the chemistry building. Once Mary, who’s our Wooster liaison and does all of the important stuff like get the money & register the girls, and looks after us teachers, had arrived and let us in, we had our safety lesson (I passed the quiz!) and unloaded.

While Dee and I were setting up for tomorrow’s labs, I realized that I had forgotten a key piece of equipment – the voltage probes for the LabQuests! So tomorrow’s lab will be a lot more qualitative and analog. Thank goodness I brought a galvanometer along to show induction! I think (I hope) it’s the only thing I’ve forgotten.

We returned to the dorm, then headed off to Walmart along with our roomies, Carolyn and Joyce. I picked up some index cards for the radiation lab later this week. Carolyn bought a knock out rose for our room for the week. (She’d already bought 2 desert roses at her first Walmart trip of the day.)

The girls had almost all arrived by the time we were back, so soon we were sitting in the very hot lobby waiting for the time where we introduce ourselves. The girls had time to learn about their groupmates, make up a poster, then create a sketch, song, or cheer for displaying to the rest of us. We judged the, picked, group 4, then headed for supper.

Our dorm this year is Holden hall, so we’re right next to Lowry, where the dining hall is. Only Monday & Thursday we’ll be dining in Kittredge, which is closer to our old dorm than this one. Go figure!

After supper, we went to the football field to wait on Gary Broadbent, the boomerang guy. He was late (as usual), and when called, was surprised to discover he was supposed to be here! (He’s a great guy, but not the best about appointments, apparently.) We returned to the dorms, where Carolyn & I went to Walmart again – I had forgotten a fan, she needed a few more supplies. Ah well!

Gary arrived an hour later than intended, but we saw his show and it was entertaining as always. Then we teachers got snacks ready – ice cream sundaes. The alumni girls were done first, then the boomerang babes showed up later. The ice cream choices were vanilla and cinnamon… Not my first pick, but many of the girls enjoyed it. Toppings were choc, strawberry, and caramel.

Carolyn & I are back in the dorm. The fan is a godsend. Gotta work on a presentation for Energy tomorrow. And bed. 🙂

It’s down!

I’ve mentioned in earlier posts that we’ve built a new school building and are tearing down the old one. I’ve been checking on the building each day & getting photos of the demolition, but I forgot to take photos yesterday morning and have been in Troy from then until this evening. So I was surprised to find the entire building down today when I checked on my way home. Wow, they work fast!

For those of you curious, I will show you my wing of the original 1923 building:

My wing - Before
My laboratory/classroom wing (bottom floor) before construction of the new building began.

My wing - middle
After they’ve removed windows (somewhat) and asbestos and other things, but before complete demolition.

My wing - after
And what it looks like today. Wow!

The Cruise Diary

As I mentioned before, I kept a diary of our days on the cruise. I’ve been posting them, with photos, for the past week and a bit, and finally have them all up. (Although the text was already written, I needed to sort through & edit photos. Or else I’d’ve been done ages ago!)

So, here are the entries on the cruise. You can, if you feel like it, read through each (though, I warn you they are LONG!), or just look at the photos. Or just skip it all. That’s what’s so nice about the ‘net. You don’t have to read what other people post. 🙂

Although I was worried about our flight back, I didn’t need to be. Turns out Princess has disembarkation down to a science. Mom and I had our last breakfast on the cruise ship, then headed to the casino where our disembarkation group (the first one) was to meet. elsaf joined us too. I missed saying good bye to judiang, alas. (I should have made my farewells the night before, but wasn’t thinking properly. Probably was hoping if I didn’t say good-bye, we wouldn’t have to split up!)

Anyway, they got us off the ship, our bags were waiting for us in the cruise building, then we got on a bus which drove us to the airport. I’d checked in the day before (expensively with their Wifi connection) and so we printed off our boarding passes, checked our bags, then went to our gate. Elsa joined us soon after – her plane was departing an hour later than ours, but from the same general area. The flight to Atlanta and the one to home were both just fine (thought Atlanta to Dayton was late) and dad met us at the airport. And so did our bags! So all in all, a smooth trip, and definitely a fun one.

It’s Official!

I've got a degree!

My newly awarded degree! Awarded yesterday, even. So when the folks came over last night for Dinner and a Movie (dinner, cheese ravioli with (home-made) aglione sauce, cheesy bread, salad, and strawberries; The Princess and the Frog), they also brought along a “Congratulations Trina!” cake and some Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. The cake & ice cream (and card with moolah in) were a surprise. And to continue my “It’s Official” celebration, my free upgrade of Adobe CS5 Web Premier arrived today. Yay!

Dinner and a Movie (with added dessert) was good all around, too.