B-WISER 2010 goes by FAST!

Hard to believe that camp is almost over. We had our last day of classes today. I think version 0.99B of the Energy Course was an improvement upon last year’s version 0.99A. But it’s still in Beta.

On Tuesday, we had teacher’s night out, which was, as usual, a blast. The six of us loaded into Dee’s van at 4pm and headed to Toyrifix, the cool toy store outside of Wooster. They had a number of new items which I wound up buying. Even found a small gift to give dad as part of his birthday gift.

After the toy store, we went to Cape Cod Red Slobster for supper. Carolyn ordered appetizers for us, and several of us had drinks. I had a mango daiquiri which was very yummy. (I didn’t used to like daiquiris, so maybe my tastes are changing – or maybe I only like mango ones). The appetizers were stuffed mushrooms (which I didn’t have), fried clams, and scallops wrapped in bacon. Yummy. For my main course, I opted for coconut shrimp and crab legs. We were all stuffed when we shuffled back to the van and on to the movie theater.

The theater had a number of movies (and it was $5 night), but we wound up picking Killers, a movie I knew nothing about. It started a bit later than the others, so we had some time to visit the craft store next to the theater. The store is Pat Cattan’s and it reminded me a bit of Hobby Lobby. I found some sodium polyacrylate “pearls” that they were selling which were much larger than any I’ve seen before, so I bought a box.

Back to the theater, we watched the movie and really enjoyed ourselves. Romance, violence, humor, pretty people and Tom Selleck made for quite a fun evening. We were still chuckling about the movie when Dee got us back to the dorm.

So anyhoo, about that key piece of equipment which I realized I hadn’t packed (back in April) – turned out I also needed it for the second lab! Thanks to Mary, our liaison extraordinaire, I got some digital voltmeters which I could hook to the solar panels and we were able to do that lab. And the girls really liked the solar powered cars we got them.

The week finally cooled off today, so hopefully tonight will be an easier night to sleep. Right now the girls are outside doing their talent show, while a few of us are inside listening from inside (where there are no mosquitoes). Tomorrow we have exemplars (female scientists) who will talk to the girls, then the final ceremony (and I’m not doing the slide show – yay!). And then I leave my peeps here *sniff* but get to go home to my kitties *yay*.