The House (and Garage) of Five Gables

Today, they started installing the shingles on the gables. It’s pretty nifty cuz the HardieShingles aren’t individual shakes but several on a “backbone” of more Hardie material. Still, when you’re doing Gables, you’re gonna have lots of little bits anyhoo. (And they did.)

In other good house news, the new front window and the back sliding door arrived today. They both look nice, but I was sad to see the sliding door doesn’t have a way of locking/unlocking from the outside. (An oversight which I hope we can rectify.) You’ll probably also note in the photos that the trim is being painted. (Beige will not be the color of the house when done…)

So, here be photos!

Gable 1: The front of the house.

Gable 2: The north side of the house.

Gable 3: The south side of the house.

Gable 4: The front of the garage. Gable 5, the back of the garage, has not been completed yet.

New sliding door!

Linus looks out of his original front window – probably for the last night!

The new front window waits on the front porch.

So I think the goal for tomorrow is to get the window & door in (since Friday I’ll be picking judiang up from the airport for a weekend at the Lake). I imagine they’ll get Gable 5 in as well.