First Day of School 2010

First day of school! New building! New laboratory!

Today was a good day. We had perfect attendance. The superintendent spoke to the student body impressing upon them the historical significance of the day. The HS principal presented rings to the State-Champion Softball Team (rock on!) and their coaches – who all got a standing ovation from the entire student body (and rightly so!) Then the HS split off from the Elementary and we were given the usual first day pep talk, followed by a not so usual tour of the new school building (broken up into groups).

My numbers for the year are a bit smaller than usual, but with an increased enrollment this year, I suspect the numbers will start to get back up to where they once were. 13 kids in period 1 chem, 15 in period 3 chem, 15 in physics, and 10 in advanced problems in science. This may change a little, but hopefully not too much!

This evening, as per tradition (and I do so likes me some tradition), the folks and I went out to Frisch’s Big Boy for supper. I had a Big Boy platter with onion rings & baked apples. Yum! And then the hot fudge cake (no cherry) for dessert. So, no surprise there.

Anyhoo, have a stonking great sinus jaw-ache (not headache, surprisingly) so I’m gonna medicate (let’s hear it for sinus pills, yay!) & then relax for the rest of the evening. Hope the rest of the year goes as nicely as today!

7 thoughts on “First Day of School 2010

    1. I’m still not sure why we even do the summer vacation thing anymore – it’s not like our kids need to be out working in the fields anymore. Still, there’s no inertia as great as the Public School System…

      1. But the high school students need to work for tuition. The schools here are too darned hot in the summer. Heck, it’s cooled a bit but if the humidity comes back it will be too hot now. They aren’t air conditioned.

  1. Yikes, I hope the sinus pills work (I’m on two different kinds of allergy meds, but living with three cats [and now a fourth outside], I just assume I am doomed to sniffliness for life)…and I think the kids in your classes are lucky to get such a relatively small student-teacher ratio! And I’m not just saying that because I would need all the help I could get in a physics or chemistry class, either. 😉

    1. I’m rather fortunate – I know the combo of pills to knock out the sinus aches for me. I also know what works to knock out that monthly pain too. Some folks haven’t found their ideal combos for what ails ’em. Better living through chemistry – if you can find the right combo!

  2. Except for the jaw-ache it sounds like a perfect first day (first first day — seeing as you’ve got the new building and all.) Considering the classes you teach, I’m not surprised the class-size is rawther small.

    1. Usually I’ve got all or most of the juniors that are still in the building (rather than taking vocational school). And I do once again, but two of the juniors are in the Advanced Problems in Science course rather than chemistry. Physics is usually a higher percentage of kids as well, but I’m not complaining. I think the group sizes are ideal – though I hope the chem numbers go up in the next few years!

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