Three Day Weekend – Yay!

We all survived the first week in the new school! I’ve really been enjoying the room – it feels like home already. (Though there’s no guarantee I can find something when I need it – really need to get those cabinets labeled soon!) Sure, there are still some things need doing, but that’s no surprise in a new building.

What’s even nicer is after we did our first week, we get a 3-day weekend! So today, the folks and I went to the Heritage Festival in Piqua. Always a nice time, always good food. Not always great weather, but today was perfect. Mid-60s (°F), cloudy/sunny/breezy. I was actually in long jeans and SHOES with SOCKS! Haven’t worn my gym shoes since the hike on St Maarten! This little taste of Autumn is, alas, just a taste. Tomorrow should be perfect and in the 70s with Monday back in the 80s. Think I’ll go swimming Monday, and maybe tomorrow.

In my virtual life, I’m playing City of Heroes again (have had a year subscription since I finished my thesis, but rarely played – I blame World of Warcrack). The main reason is because the latest patch lets you switch villains to heroes and heroes to villains. I have no desire for any of my heroes to switch to villain (not even Evah Green, who’s got quite an attitude), but I’ve wanted Jack Dodger, my main Mastermind, to be a hero since I created him in the Beta version of City of Villains. Today, I completed his first Morality Mission and he’s now a Rogue – able to visit either the Hero or the Villain side. Cool beans!

Jack and his Bots

I’ll probably get my other Mastermind to Hero-side eventually as well. Paragon City’s a lot more fun to play in than the Rogue Isles where the villains live.

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