Cat Photos

I’ve got a friend on LJ feeling a little down (and maybe more than one, so maybe this’ll cheer a few folks up) and decided it had been too long since I last posted photos of my “kids.” So here’s some recent (well, taken in 2010) photos of my little ones for your enjoyment.

Linus wants a belly rub!
Linus wants a belly rub!

Lucy relaxing in her cabana
Lucy relaxing in her cabana

Lucy gives Linus a kiss
Lucy gives Linus a kiss

Lucy thinks Linus tastes funny
Lucy thinks Linus tastes funny

8 thoughts on “Cat Photos

          1. Well, when you’re a “teenager,” like Lucy, and the boy in question is your brother, it’s a fairly safe bet.

  1. Major LOLz at the last one! And awwww in general. I absolutely have to retaliate with pictures of Fergus, once I get them off the camera and processed. That’s one hip ‘n happenin’ cabana Lucy has got there, too. You clearly are one swingin’ chick to have outfitted her thusly! (Uhm, just for contrast, Sophie has a box in the corner with a bunch of my socks in it…)

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