Here’s the state of things…

… to her life she clings. Matrimonial devotion doesn’t seem to suit her notion, burial it brings, here’s the state… Oh wait, that’s the lyrics from a Mikado song. (Unfortunately the song is now stuck in my head. Here’s a how-dee-do!)

Anyhoo, I’ve actually had some productivity of late. Probably not enough (catapult reports still languishing in my bag, being brought to & from work daily), but more than had been. I even got one of my crafts done (though it’s actually a belated birthday present, not a Christmas present). That, in particular, was due to our day off of school yesterday.

Oh, you say, a day off of school? How was that accomplished? Well, see, winter’s going pretty strong here, even though it doesn’t start until next Tuesday. We got a fair bit (OK, under 4 inches) of snow between Sunday and Monday morning and with the blowing snow & lack of snow fences (why on earth don’t they put those up anymore around here?!?!) the road conditions yesterday morning were horrible. Despite only getting 3 calamity days for the year, our superintendent had to call off school yesterday. (Only 2 schools in Miami county were open, and they weren’t hit as bad, apparently.)

So yesterday I was able to continue with Sunday’s productivity. And then head over to Troy to celebrate mom’s birthday with her and dad. She’d already received her birthday gift from dad about 2 weeks early (a new wifi Kindle) and so I complemented it with a nice cover/light. And it’s red, which really impressed mom. (She’d only seen the black ones online.) Then we went out to Outback for steak and lobster and drinks. I tried their strawberry peach sangria which was pretty tasty. Yummy dinner and great company.

I’ve even tried being somewhat productive today. I’m hanging up pictures using lovely Command picture strips and needed to clean my walls first. Break out the Bissell Steam Shot and clean dem walls! Woot! (Well, actually, And then for grins I tried out the squeegee attachment and cleaned the kitchen window. And then tried unwrinkling some curtains.

Anyhoo, the house is somewhat straightened out and sort of clean and definitely decorated for the holidays. New blinds are installed throughout the house and I’m trying a new curtain in the library to see if I like it. (So far, eh.) I still have many crafts to make before Christmas, but I’m a procrastinator so there’s plenty of time. Ha! And of course those darn catapult reports…

The holidays are coming and I’m excited! Not quite ready yet, but I think I will be! Yay!