The Big Four Oh!

Wow! I’m 40! It doesn’t really feel any different from my other ages. Go figure.

Winter break has been a blast and I should have been keeping up with my journal about it. But it’s been a busy (and fun) one. judiang and elsaf are visiting and it’s been great having them here. We’re watching ABC at the moment through my converter box & antenna. (I haven’t missed cable for the most part, but I needed to see the dropping ball and later today is my parade! I can’t miss my parade!)

Hope that 2011 treats all of you well! And to the rest of you in the ’71 Club – 40 isn’t so bad after all!

10 thoughts on “The Big Four Oh!

  1. Hope you have a fabulous day! A friend of mine is marching in your parade! Look for the Wyoming All-State Band in the cowboy hats!

  2. Forty is fabulous! One of my favourite years (right after 42). Hugs to everyone there. Hope y’all have a ball!

  3. Haaaappppyyyyy biiiirrrrttthhhhddaaaaaayyyyyyy! Woooo! I did have birthday arts planned, but what with my scanner’s death I had no way to scan it so didn’t act on the idea… So, any requests I could work on scanning once I find a new scanner?

  4. A belated happy birthday, and indeed, happy new year! As a fellow member of the ’71 club, I have to say – forty doesn’t seem to be holding any of those emotional fears for me. It’s a number. Who cares? I honestly seem to be bypassing the traumas and insecurities. This, I believe, is a positive by-product of having a wonderful husband who happens to be quite a bit older than you. Anyway, many happy returns, and all good wishes for the new year. XOX

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