The Calm Before the Storm

Today was a sunny albeit chilly day. Although the walk into work this morning was a bit severe (even with corduroy pants – I was regretting not wearing long underwear as I turned the last block), the walk home was rather pleasant.

But tomorrow, it may all be icky. The forecast tonight is 100% chance of icky, tomorrow, 80% chance of icky, followed by tomorrow night 100% chance of icky changing to snow (or rain). We are currently in a Winter Storm Warning (it was a Watch all day today and has just been upgraded to Warning) and one of the local networks is saying this may be the Winter Storm of the Season!!!!oneone!!!

Although I’ll believe that when I see it, I am a bit concerned about the chance of power outages. I have my cell phone and iPod charged up. I should do the same with my netbook. (OK, it’s plugged in now.) My flashlight is charged and I have loads of candles (all nice & smelly candles). Oh, and I know where all my blankets are. I’ve also warned the cats, but they could care less.

If the weather is only half of what they’re promising, we likely won’t have school the next two days. And we’ve used up our 3 alloted calamity days for the year (the Friday after my last LJ post was another snow day), so any we miss now, we make up at the end. That isn’t a big issue like it was last year. We don’t have to be out of the school building by a certain date. And we now have air conditioning. So I ain’t worried about that.

The wonderful coincidence about all of this is that it was February 1st or 2nd when I broke my arm 12 years ago – by slipping on the ice on my way into work. So I have no desire to go into work if there’s any ice on the ground. No sense celebrating the anniversary with a new break, eh? 😉

Anyhoo, for those of you also encountering this latest winter storm, or for those of you with other exciting weather issues, keep warm (or for you antipodeans, keep cool), keep safe, and try not to slip on the ice!

3 thoughts on “The Calm Before the Storm

  1. I was volunteering at Virginia’s elementary school’s library (budget cuts took away the assistant a couple of years ago so they need someone to help shelve the books) and the whole place was buzzing with the possibility of school being closed on Tuesday. We will get, at most, some freezing rain and it will be gone before the end of Tuesday. But since we don’t have the fleets available to deice and salt, we end up shut down. We don’t have snow/ice days, tho. We have to add days to the end of the year.

  2. Yikes–my first impulse is to tell you to stay indoors on Feb. 1 & 2 so as not to tempt fate, but I know perfectly well that then you’d just slip and fall getting out of the bathtub or something. I like smelly candles too, but Dad is mystified if I ever light them when a power outage isn’t happening. *sigh* Stay as warm, dry and safe as possible, k? And of course, keep us informed!

  3. I hope you’re managing to hang on to power. It was the lack of power outages that made our week of no school bearable. Interesting about adding days at the end. I was wondering what they’d do here. Since we can have 3-4 snow days without penalty, and we had five, the powers that be decreed that two of our former break days (around President’s Day) will now be regular school days. Just as well.

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