The State of Me

A quick update to spout the following:

  • The 2011 Chili Competition was Saturday. I decided not to enter (I won last year) and instead talked mom into entering. There were 9 competition chilis to pick from – wow! Usually I have some of Jacki’s non-competition white chili that she brings each year, but I was too full from the competition. They were all yummy. But another member of the second generation won this year – Emily, Gary & Marcia’s daughter. You go gurl! 🙂
  • Went to the baby shower for my cousin’s step daughter on Sunday. It was a nice 2-hour little gathering. Mom won the memory competition (you go gurl!) and we didn’t have to eat babyfood. The cake was very yummy, too!
  • The juniors were having a special fundraiser at Culvers last night where they received part of the evening proceeds. And, well, their wall-eye is back. It was excellent (best I’ve had from them) and hopefully will sate my fried fish desire for some time.
  • And some of you are probably wondering “Um, Trina, aren’t you doing Weight Watchers?” Alas yes! This was not a good weekend. I’ve used up my bucket points (last night’s Culvers meal was 30 points – eep!) for the week and today I actually stayed to my daily 33 points. Shut up tummy, you can’t be hungry!
  • My evenings have been spent with Lynda and my cats in the library comfy chair. I’ve been doing training on PHP (the basics, to start with) and learning a lot. It’s made me jealous of a newer laptop, but thankfully Walmart was sold out of the $428 one I’d been eying.
  • Lucy and I are currently in the library. I’ve got XAMPP on my 1GB flash drive and will be continuing my training as soon as I finish this. Yay for learning! Yay for 1-year subscription to!
  • So that’s the State of Me for now.

2 thoughts on “The State of Me

    1. Dunno what Hal eye is, but Walleye (guess I shouldn’t have put the hyphen in) is a fish native to North America. Usually found in Canada and northern US. (Minnesota is often a great place for walleye. Just don’t order it from the Hard Rock Cafe in the Mall of America. That fish had no flavor!) More info from good ol’ Wikipedia (heh, fish statues in MN):

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