Vernal Equinox

Yay for the Equinox! The days will get longer & longer until Summah!

We are 3/4 done for the school year. We have one week this week to start the 4th quarter, and then it’ll be Spring Break (woo!) And when we return to school? 8 weeks to go. Wow. 2 months…

Have had some nice warmish days the past few days, so I’ve gotten some walking done. Alas, my ankle started hurting on Thursday (no idea why) and was so bad that night I could barely sleep. But thankfully it’s getting better and today was nearly normal. Hasn’t stopped me from walking.

I made garden vegetable soup and beer bread today, so the house smells nice right now. And my sandalwood candle is burning here in the library. Yay for nice smells.

Hope folks are enjoying the changing seasons. I know that I am. 🙂