Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Whew! Must be late May. I keep coming up for air, only to get bogged down with stuff to be done. But this last weekend was a wonderful (quick) breath of air.

As we’ve done for several years (bar last year), judiang and elsaf came to stay with me at mom & dad’s cottage on Lake Loramie. This year, we REALLY roughed it since the folks decided not to get Internet (too expensive for as little as they’ve been using the place). Which is the main reason I never wrote anything & posted it over the weekend.

For the most part, we vegged at the Lake, not really missing the ‘net. Judi and I did have a Day Out on Saturday, however, which we spent in New Bremen. We visited the Bicycle Museum of America, which has become one of our favorite museums. Seriously, it was way cool. 3 floors of bikes from 1816 to the present day. As we were leaving the museum, the curator told us that just around the corner was Lock One of the Miami/Eerie Canal. Sure enough, it was! Nifty.

After the museum, we had lunch at a coffeehouse just down the block from the museum. They had Internet, so as we munched on our wraps (I had a BLT wrap and a vanilla Italian soda), we got caught up on our Internets. Well, mostly caught up. They closed before we were done, so we continued on to McDonald’s for ice cream and more geeking. (I had the Oreo McFlurry. Yum.)

We vegged more at the Lake and then headed off to Miami county for some cajun/creole grub at LeDoux’s. I had their shrimp pasta, which had a boozy cream sauce that was very yummy. We also split a tasty bread pudding. Then on to my house to download… something… and to work on Judi’s WordPress issue. My dabbling in PHP allowed me to help her and show her around phpmyadmin a bit. We also fixed the issue. Woot!

We got back to the Lake about 10:15pm and Elsa soon arrived as well. So yesterday we vegged and grilled meals and vegged more. And today I finally let Elsa cook (she made us pancakes – yay!) and for lunch we had leftovers. I had a very nice time with my girls! Thanks for the breath of fresh air, ladies! Gonna go under again, but I’ll resurface on Friday when we have our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

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