Festival Season Still Continues

I had a relaxing first week off of school (lots of swimming at mom’s place, too much going out to eat).

On Thursday, the folks and I started rewatching the Harry Potter movies in preparation for the last one coming this July. We accompanied this with some Papa John’s pizza (which, to mitigate some of the impact, I walked over to pick up).

Friday, I returned so that we could go to the first summer concert in downtown Troy. Only when I got there, the folks had discovered it was also the night of the Art & Garden show at Lost Creek (which isn’t looking as lost thanks to all of the rain). We decided to go there instead. Turns out we made the right choice – I think the concert might have been moved due to the weather. And we did get rained on some at the garden show, but it was still nice. Mom got a few nice additions for her home.

Since we decided not to go late to the concert, we picked up Chinese food en route and then watched the second Harry Potter movie at their home.

The plan for today was to go to the Yellow Springs Street Fair. But first, we hopped over to the new farmer’s market in downtown Troy. It didn’t have a lot of farmers there, but mom found a new source for her free range eggs (from friends in Pleasant Hill, of all things!) and the maple syrup people might be getting some maple cream one of these days. Woot! I suspect the farmer’s market will grow as the season continues.

Yellow Springs, OH, is an interesting town. When the 1960s moved onto 1970, Yellow Springs didn’t. One of the shirts we saw (being sold by the community center or somesuch) said “Keep Yellow Springs Weird” which we all found amusing. The Yellow Springs Street Fair is a wonderful collection of craft (and food) vendors selling all sorts of neat things. That being said, the folks only bought 1 thing and I bought none (apart from a lemon shake-up which had been made with the most chemically tasting water I’ve had in years). Still, it was neat being at a craft show where it wasn’t full of American flags and OSU memorabilia. Mom commented that the show may be crowded, hot, and miserable, but it was always fun. I definitely agree. 🙂

Dad had hoped to eat at the Tavern in Yellow Springs, but there was an hour wait (at least). The second place we tried, same thing. And none of us wanted to eat street food since there really wasn’t any place in the shade to sit and eat. So once we finished seeing all of the booths (and I think we did see them all), we returned to our car and headed back. I suggested eating in Fairborn, and the folks agreed. And since I recommended Tickets Pub & Eatery, I also popped into the Bookery for my Doctor Who magazines. Heh.

So the fairs and festivals and art shows continue. And tomorrow I head to Indiana for training for my college-level high school chemistry class. IU has a hotel in their student union – ain’t that a kicker? They’re covering the cost for me to stay there Sun-Wed, which is nice. No idea what sort of ‘net capabilities that I’ll have on campus, but I’m pretty sure that off campus I’ll be able to find some wifi. 🙂