Landscaping 2011

Last summer’s project was residing the house. This summer’s project was landscaping the front of the house. Although planned way back in April, Chaney’s Nursery was only able to get around today to do the job. The rainy spring really put them far behind on their landscaping jobs. But today they came, they saw, they landscaped the joint!

A before shot of the house, half an hour before the landscapers arrive.

Before - the front
Before – the front
Full frontal view (heh heh) of my house before the landscapers arrive.

They arrive!
They arrive!
And they’re off! They arrived around 8:30am and worked for a couple hours.

Tilling my dry soil in anticipation of planting!

Hard at Work
Hard at Work
I returned from a short walk around town to find them all still hard at work.

Prepping the soil
Prepping the soil
Before they can place the plants, the soil has to be just right…

Holes are dug & the plants are stuffed into the holes.

Waiting for holes
Waiting for holes
The other side awaits planting too.

Maple tree
Maple tree
My new maple tree. Will really get to “shine” when the old Bradford pear is removed.

Smells nasty, but always looks nice. Let’s hear it for (hopefully termite-free) mulch!

Finito - with stones!
Finito – with stones!
The finished look on this side of the house.

Finito 2 (this time it's personal!)
Finito 2 (this time it’s personal!)
The finished look of the other side of the house.

Finito 3D (except it's not in 3D)
Finito 3D (except it’s not in 3D)
And the full frontal (*snicker*) shot of the house, complete. Yay!