Overlord Anniversary

This month marks the Five Year Anniversary of my little furry overlords coming to rule this household. I’d been meaning to post some recent photos of the speebies (the word you get when your tongue trips while saying “sweeties”), so tonight I am doing just that. Thank you, Linus and Lucy, for coming into my life five years ago! You’re the delights of my eyes. 🙂

Lucy & Linus Enjoy a Snack
Lucy & Linus Enjoy a Snack

Linus in Repose
Linus in Repose

Lucy in Repose
Lucy in Repose

Linus under Cover
Linus under Cover

Lucy's Path to Napville
Lucy’s Path to Napville

Linus on the Scratchy Pad
Linus on the Scratchy Pad

Lucy Poses for the Camera
Lucy Poses for the Camera

7 thoughts on “Overlord Anniversary

  1. Love the photos! They sure are pretty kitties. Now tell me, do your kitties use the pvc tube/box thingy? My cat is HUGE, but this always seemed to be the right size for him. Sadly, he never played in his. (It’s sitting up in my son’s room waiting for a yard sale.)

    1. Occasionally, but not regularly. The only toys they are guaranteed to play with they always lose under the toybox. Whenever I fish them back out again, they get a few more hours play before they wind up under it again.

  2. I loveloveLOVE the fact that they look so similar, and yet so distinctly different. As I might have mentioned before, Sophie’s brother Buddy was much bigger than her and black-tiger-striped instead, but they both had that white underbelly (i.e. their creamy nougat filling). Such a handsome boy and pretty girl–or, pretty boy and handsome girl (I try not to let my kitties get into that whole gender role bullshit, though it remains the case that the girls are quiet and indoors, and the boys are rambunctious outdoors. So much for nature/nature, I guess). Totally restraining myself from reaching out to pet the screen! How are they with visitors, btw? (Still in the back of my head, I’m planning a cross-country road trip to finally meet everybody. Between you and Cora alone, Ohio has got a giant red arrow on it.)

    1. Heh – today they had 4 visitors – 2 adult, 2 child. And they spent the entire visit hiding under the bed. So where did our party eventually vegetate to? The bedroom… The kids were playing with the various physics toys dad has built over the years. I’m sure the cats were under the bed thinking “OMG! Will they never LEAVE?!?!?” They’re a bit better with individual visitors, especially adult ones. I suspect you’d get to at least meet Lucy. She’s more afraid of noise than people. Linus is not afraid of noise (he just goes under the bed during thunderstorms to protect Lucy – he swears!) but doesn’t like strangers much. They both love to see their grandparents (especially since Grandma gives ’em treats).

  3. Holy crapsticks it’s been five years already? The time! It is passing so quickly! *high fives Linus and Lucy*

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