As Summer Fades Away

The end of my summer vacation was quite boisterous.

It all started when my friend Erik (my best friend in elementary) called to say he had time to come and visit. This was Monday, the 15th. This was significant since Erik has been living in the Czech Republic for many years now. He and his daughter, plus his sister (who currently lives in Paris) and her son stopped in for a few hours. The kids loved the toys in my house (actually, so did Erik and his sis, heh). Alas, the time I got to spend with them was brief, but it was lovely to see them again and to meet their kids. They’ve both since returned to their respective countries and spouses.

Then last Thursday (wow, a week ago now?) was our first day of work – a day to work in our rooms. I’d actually been going in and working an hour or two (or more) each day for the previous two weeks, so this was more like an extended day like that. Friday were meetings in the morning followed by more work time. But then I was ready to head off to meet up with my folks and then we went to the airport to pick up my sister!

Yup, my little sis managed to get away briefly for a visit last weekend. We had a lovely time. Friday night was dinner at Club 55. Saturday morning we went to the farmer’s markets, then most of the rest of the day was spent preparing for our party that night.

Saturday evening, the folks along with friends of ours, hosted a party at their club house. Dad invited “the usual lot” who often went to O’Brian’s to see Rick Fannin perform. Since O’Brian’s went out of business, however, we’d not been seeing him much. So Dad and Moe hired Rick to come and play at the Club House. In addition to “the usual lot” the folks invited folks from their gated community. Amy was the bartender and we had plenty of beer, wine, and margarita mix. Rick was, as usual, wonderful and the villagers really enjoyed him – as much as “the usual lot.” 🙂

Sunday was a bit more relaxed and we wound up watching the third Millennium movie (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest) by the evening. (At least, I think that was Sunday.) I had to work again Monday, but returned to the folks’ for another evening with Amy (and the folks). We played cards that night with one of mom’s best friends. It was great getting to play pinocle.

Tuesday was the first day of school, which was a good one. Big classes this year, which is pretty wonderful. (Physics is full – that’s pretty nifty!) Since it was the first day of school, Tradition says we must go out to Frisch’s for supper. Amy was excited to be joining us for this tradition. 🙂 I stayed up late both Monday and Tuesday to get my quota of Amy. Heh.

Wednesday I drove to school so that I could bug out as soon as teachers were allowed and head to Troy. Then we piled into the car and took Amy back to the airport. *sniff* We embarrassed her mightily as she went through security and she waved to us before zipping off to her gate. She got home safe und sound and is hopefully having a lovely time with her girlfriend and their cat, Curtis. 🙂

So now I’m relaxing in my library with soft music playing and Lucy sleeping on top of the comfy chair. Dunno where Linus is now, but we spent some quality scritching time after work while I vegged at my PC. Overall, a wonderful end to the summer and a great start to the school year. Yay!