The Waiting Game

So after last week’s discovery of nodules in me boobs, I was waiting to hear from the referral place that my doctor had contacted. Still hadn’t heard from them as of today, so I called my doc’s office to see what had occurred. Well, a fax was sent along on the 22nd, but they didn’t know beyond that. So the nurse scurried around looking for the phone number of the referral place.

I called the referred doc’s office and talked with a nice receptionist there. She checked and discovered that, although they had been informed they’d be getting a referral, the fax never arrived. Ah, technology! So she suggested I make an appointment with the surgeon for the consultation and they’d see about getting the information from my doc’s office. So I’ve done just that – it’ll be after the girls return to Minnesota.

And that’s the exciting bit – Amy and Rachel should be arriving Thursday night! I’ve got Friday scheduled with a sub (my first grade teacher will be my sub) so I can spend all day with the family. Then Deanna’s wedding on Saturday. Should be fun times for all! 🙂

8 thoughts on “The Waiting Game

  1. Hugs to you. I had my mammogram on Friday and found out today that they want me back in to have new scans. I go in tomorrow morning. It is the waiting that drags on you. I wish you the best and am sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  2. Thoughts and prayers winging your way on those nodules, Trina. And yay! on a visit from Amy & Rachel and the chance to spend lots of time together.

  3. Sending mega-good-vibes & hopes that everything is okay. Sorry I forgot to comment last time! D= (I had something similar happen with my MRI results Sometimes the technology really doesn’t seem to be helping matters any, huh?)

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