April Showers

Here it is, the last day of April, and we’re getting rain! We didn’t really get a lot of rain in April, so I hope that doesn’t mean bad news for our local farmers. However, it did mean we had many fine weather days during the month, which I really appreciated.

Saturday, however, was an exception. Saturday was our annual Garage Sale Day in town. So of course, the temperature was chilly (barely got to 50F), the rain was near constant, there was sleet or hail or some form of ice balls falling from the sky. Glad I didn’t have a garage sale.

But the good news about Garage Sale in town is Bowman’s Texas Tenderloins. They always park their vending trailer at the main intersection in town for the garage sale and (probably) make a killing. So I invited the folks around for lunch. We all got Texas Tenderloins and fries (mom and I stood in the rain waiting – it was just a fine drizzle at the time), and then returned to my place to eat.

Wanting to show off my new Blu-Ray of The Sound of Music (the 45th anniversary release), I put it on. I figured we’d watch the starting bit, and then stop the flick. But no, we watched the whole thing. Ah, such a fine movie. That made the third time I’ve now seen the movie in a month. (Watched the flick, watched with commentary, watched with the folks.) I’ve still not watched all of the extras from the set – will probably put that disc back in later in the week.

School is zipping by. Only 11 days more or so for seniors. Wow. I have the schedule up on the board for chemistry’s exams – 4th quarter exam (I write), lab exam (IU writes), final exam (IU writes – or rather, buys from the American Chemical Society or something). A lot of testing at the end, but I’m just impressed that I’ve hit all of the material before the year is out.

Hope y’all have been having a lovely spring (or fall if you’re below the equator)!


Today marks the 44th wedding anniversary of my wonderful parental units! I wasn’t present at the wedding (hey, I’m only 41!) but I understand it was a lovely wedding. I also heard that father was nervous, which is so unlike his current persona.

Anyhoo, mum, dad, hope you two had a lovely anniversary! Thanks for doing the “jump-starting the family” thing all those years ago!

“It’s not a toomah!”

I tweeted this earlier in the week, but just hadn’t gotten around to sending word along via LJ until now.

After nodules were discovered in my breasts, I had the consultation with the surgeon who later recommended two biopsies – an ultrasound guided biopsy on my right “axillary” area near my arm pit and a stereo biopsy (or somesuch) on my right breast. That took place the Friday of Spring Break.

Mum was great – she took me to the breast center and waited for the procedure to end. Then she took me home. Yay mom! (I treated the folks to brunch and lupper that day in my gratitude.)

I received the call on Tuesday that both biopsies were benign. Took me a second to register that was good news because in my family, we like to pronounce it “b’niggen.” Heh. Turns out I’m just lumpy like my grandfather was!

So I am quite relieved. I know you’re not supposed to worry until you know for sure (and even then, what’s the point of worrying), but that doesn’t stop you from doing so! Here’s hoping I stay b’niggen for years to come!

Spring Break cont.

Yesterday I left Chicago bright & early after making my farewells to judiang and elsaf. *sniff* The night before had been an adventurous one, however.

After writing my last post, I took a walk around Museum Campus, walking around Shedd’s Aquarium in the course of it. It was a chilly day, but sunny and pleasant.

We had my chili for lunch, along with some multigrain bread and some fresh pears. The girls liked my chili, which made me happy. And Judi got some leftovers, too. (I think we left her with a nice assortment of foodstuff.)

The rest of the evening was one of discovery. That is, discovering what lurked in some boxes that Judi still hadn’t unpacked from her move of *mumble* *mumble* ago. For the most part, the stuff that we uncovered was trash (well, not literally garbage, just stuff she has no use for), but there was some treasure as well. Including the three books that I loaned Judi to read before her move. If she’s interested in reading them in the future, she’ll need to borrow them from the library cuz they are now home with me. 🙂

In the middle of my treasure hunt, we headed off to supper at a new local sport’s bar which is a short walk from Judi’s place. The Scout had some pretty good food. I had a spare rib sandwich with au jus and fried tator tots. Yum! Also had an Original Sin hard cider, which was pretty nice. The place was loud like most sports bars, but other than that, a nice time out with friends.

After our treasure hunt was over and I’d cleaned up the mess I had made of Judi’s closet, we finished with pineapple upside-down cake ala mode. Just as good the second day! Bed, then up early the next day for my flight out, which was uneventful.

Breakfast at the airport (Egg McMuffin, McHashbrown, McApple Juice), Auntie Anne’s pretzel at the Columbus airport, followed by my long drive home. The weather was gorgeous. The kitties ignored me at first, but now they are my good & dear friends (both curled up on my lap & asleep right now). Lazy day yesterday, lazy day today. I like spring break!

Thanks Elsa & Judi for the fun weekend/start!

Spring Break 2012! Another day…

Still having fun at judiang‘s. elsaf arrived Sunday by 4pm and we headed off to Navy Pier around 5pm. We had tickets to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Shakespeare Theater.

The last time I had seen Dream was in London and Dawn French was playing Bottom. This production wasn’t a celeb-fest, but I enjoyed the performance. A very minimalist set, but some nice music. Was good seeing a live show (again) with my friends.

When we returned, it was nearly time for the 3rd showing of ep 1 season 2 Game of Thrones. Elsa and I enjoyed season 1, so were looking forward to the premier. Alas, I don’t have cable (and if I did, wouldn’t pay for HBO), so I’ll have to wait for my next visit to Judi’s (and On Demand) or for the Blu-Ray set to come out. Having read the books, I suspect I can be patient and wait for the rest of season 2.

Yesterday started out with breakfast at The Little Branch Cafe, which is just outside of Judi’s complex. I had a fritatta sandwich, hash-browned taters, and a small fruit cup (which was mostly melon, so Judi at that bit). Elsa and I then did some needed grocery shopping with a quick stop at Target while Judi flexed. (Would love to flex as a teacher…)

The afternoon saw Elsa cooking up a storm, as she is wont to do. I got a walk or two in, which was nice. And then we had a late supper in honor of Judi’s b-day. Beef bourgonoine, curried green pea soup, salad greens w/ raspberry vinaigrette, rolls from scratch, and pineapple upside down cake ala mode. Mmmmm. Not a fan of the green pea soup, but snarfed all of the rest up.

This morning, the Elsa Grill was open and we all had eggs, toast, and bacon. I had mine over easy. They were yummy. The toast was from homemade bread leftover from the homemade rolls. I suspect Judi’s gone back to bed. Eep! Well, she worked hard yesterday, so deserves it. Plus, she IS a year older, you know. *ducks*

Oh yeah, and I’ve got a pot of chili cooking on the stove right now. Elsa requested my “award winning chili” which was basically mom’s recipe. So I’ve made it (much simpler than beef bourgonoine) and it’s simmering for lunch.

Spring Break 2012!

Ah, it feels good to be on break. We’ve had a busy school year with no snow days. So I’m further along in my classes than usual, which is great, but man, we’re all tired! Yay for Spring Break!

I have flown to Chicago in honor of judiang‘s birthday, and wouldn’t you know it, but she’s only gone & won the lottery and flown to Wellington, NZ to stalk Richard Armitage. Heh heh.

No matter, I’m having a fun time so far. Late lunch at Ma & I (pad Thai, of course, along with California roll), some vegging time, followed by the 8:30pm showing of The Hunger Games at the Icon theater (hoity toity). We’d’ve gone all out for the VIP showing (at $18.50 per) but the next showing was sold out and we didn’t want to wait until 10:45pm. So supper was popcorn and an Icee (blue, of course). The movie was excellent. Camera work a little shakier than I like, but still a great adaptation of the book.

This morning, we went to Three Happiness for Dim Sum – yum! We ate until we were full and then some. And now it’s naptime for Judi (what, you believed that entry of hers?) and computer time for me. I finished my assignment due tomorrow by midnight (reviewing the midterms of 4 of my classmates) and am now nearly done with this LJ entry. Feels good to be blogging again!