Spring Break 2012!

Ah, it feels good to be on break. We’ve had a busy school year with no snow days. So I’m further along in my classes than usual, which is great, but man, we’re all tired! Yay for Spring Break!

I have flown to Chicago in honor of judiang‘s birthday, and wouldn’t you know it, but she’s only gone & won the lottery and flown to Wellington, NZ to stalk Richard Armitage. Heh heh.

No matter, I’m having a fun time so far. Late lunch at Ma & I (pad Thai, of course, along with California roll), some vegging time, followed by the 8:30pm showing of The Hunger Games at the Icon theater (hoity toity). We’d’ve gone all out for the VIP showing (at $18.50 per) but the next showing was sold out and we didn’t want to wait until 10:45pm. So supper was popcorn and an Icee (blue, of course). The movie was excellent. Camera work a little shakier than I like, but still a great adaptation of the book.

This morning, we went to Three Happiness for Dim Sum – yum! We ate until we were full and then some. And now it’s naptime for Judi (what, you believed that entry of hers?) and computer time for me. I finished my assignment due tomorrow by midnight (reviewing the midterms of 4 of my classmates) and am now nearly done with this LJ entry. Feels good to be blogging again!

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