Being all optmistic here that (a) I’ll do this National Novel Writing Month thang and (b) do it again some other year, hence the 2012 in the title.
Despite not having a plot and just inventing characters on the fly, I got 1500 words thus far. Heh.
Be sure to root for me, judiangwp, elsaf and the veteran of the bunch, capriuni and the other novel writers out there!
Good for you. I can’t even finish a fan fic much less write a whole book in 30 days. I’m rootin’ for all you!
I’ve always wanted to do nanowrimo but have never had any ideas. If I ever do it, it would probably be about an idealist political neophyte who winds up in D.C. and comes to terms with how governing actually works.
Wow! You beat me by 247 words! 🙂 I’d hoped to get some done tonight at work tonight, but it turned out to be a bear of a night here. Now, it’s 15 minutes to midnight and I don’t think I’m going to be able to add anything. But I’ll make it up tomorrow.
hooray! Go Trina — you actually got more words in than I ended up with, but then again, I deleted some, because I was starting to write my words into a spiraling cul-de-sac. Despite not having a plot, and inventing characters on the fly Amazing how that works, huh? 😉