Merry Christmas! Happy Tuesday!

Although today is Dec 25, AKA Christmas, I opened no presents. Poor Amy will not be with us until Dec 28, so we’ll open presents after she arrives (Sat morning, if all goes well!)

We also didn’t have a White Christmas today. But that’s OK, because we’re getting a blizzard tomorrow. If the power doesn’t go out, I’m intending to have a lovely day of bread baking, present wrapping, and game playing. Woo! And if it’s not horrible, maybe a walk in the snow. We’ll see!

What mom and I did do today was our annual Baking Day. However, due to me doing Weight Watchers, we didn’t go as overboard on cookies like usual. We did three things from scratch (pecan cookies, Lindy cookies, and ice box cookies) and three things from Market Day (shaped sugar cookies, macadamia nut cookies, and chocolate mint cookies). We watched schmalzy Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel or listened to Christmas music while we baked. It was a good day.

I am now back with the kitties though (and Linus wants some huggings, so I need to get offline shortly for cuddles) and I’m hoping tomorrow will be a good snow-watching day. And I really hope things get cleared up by Friday evening when Amy’s supposed to be flying in!

Hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Christmas today!