A few weeks ago, I bought a new camera – my first “spur of the moment” camera purchase. (I’m usually great at long researching and stuff, but this one caught my eye just when I discovered I needed a new one.) It’s a Nikon Coolpix s3500 and it’s purple. (I said it caught my eye, didn’t I?)
I hadn’t really given it a thorough work out yet, so I decided to take it with me on my last Nature Walk at Brukner. (I did another walk today, but didn’t take any photos.) I realized I’ll need to read up on focusing a bit since there were times I couldn’t get the part of a flower that I wanted in focus to be in focus. But out of the many shots I took, I found six that I liked a lot. I’ll start with my favorite one of the bunch. (I’m posting these at higher resolution than usual – I hope that doesn’t break anyone’s LJ friend’s list. If so, I can put the first under a cut as well.)

I was sad that my camera snapped after the bee had left the flower, only to discover he’d not flown out of shot yet!
Trees and Shadows
I liked the look of the pine trees and their shadows.
Moss on a Stone
This stone looked as though it were wearing a wig of moss.
Flower Fluff
No idea what this wildflower is, but they’re starting to all change to fluff.
Bridge to Somewhere
I've always liked this bridge on the Trillium Valley path.
Canopy Trees
Some of the trees at Brukner are ready for autumn!