Celebrity Kitties

Since The Doubleclicks put up a Kickstarter to make their first album, Dimetrodon, I’ve been a fan and supporter of theirs. (I think it was someone on twitter mentioning them that brought them to my attention in the first place.) The two ladies are geeks and thus write and sing wonderfully geeky songs.

Well, they recently sent a call out to their fans to help them with their latest “lyric video.” They wanted photos of cats (or dogs or other pets) with or without their owners & a word from the song. I requested a word and they gave me “want.” So I wrote “Want” in big print and then tried to get a shot with Linus and Lucy and the word all together. After several attempts (and a spat of photos I accidentally deleted from the camera before they’d been downloads – long story, bleh) I got one that I decided to send along. So now my kitties are online celebrities! They show up the last time that “want” shows up in the video, around 2 minutes and 30 seconds in. (But watch the whole video – lots of lovely cats & other pets and their loving owners.)

In case you couldn’t tell which one was them, here’s the photo that I sent along to the Doubleclicks for inclusion in the video:


And here are a couple of the good ones that didn’t make the cut (it wasn’t an easy decision!)

