Chicago 2018 day 3

Yesterday we needed to walk to Amy’s grocery before we could have breakfast. We were out of bananas and also picked up a couple of other things. After breakfast, we sat & read and relaxed for a bit.

A Maytag repairman was showing up between 2:30 & 4:30, so we hadn’t made much in the way of plans. After a bit though, we walked over to Walgreens and then to her branch of the local library to pick up some items & a book she had requested. Once home, Amy prepared us a lunch of taco salads starring some leftovers she had. The salads were tasty.

The Maytag repairman arrived at the early part of his window and quickly determined and fixed the issue, which meant that Amy and I could get to the 5pm Archectural River Tour put on by the Chicago Archecture Foundation. We took the red line to Lake and then headed for the blue awning the website described.

We got seats on the bow of the boat then I headed in to the bar you get iced coffee for Amy & bottled water for me. The tour was quite fun & informative. I posted several photos to Instagram. Once it was completed, Amy’s friend Jason arrived dockside to meet us (perfect timing we all agreed). He then led us to his apartment in the Aqua building.

Our plan was to visit with Jason, then borrow his car for Sunday. But he talked us into staying for supper. He didn’t have to work too hard at it. (Plying us with drinks & popcorn when we arrived didn’t hurt his case. Heh.) He had a hair appointment already scheduled, so Amy & I stayed in & watched the 1st episode of Braindead to catch up with him. Then we had Thai food courtesy of Grub Hub and watched episode 2 once Jason returned. Amy and I Ubered back to her place with plans to get the car Sunday morning instead.

I’ll write about today’s adventures later.