I upgraded to a Samsung Tab S6 this summer & am enjoying the stylus. I found a nice drawing app (ArtFlow) and downloaded a Sketch a Day app. Here’s week one: temple, jungle, swarm, grace, click, stand, and toast.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://pagefillers.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/118106654_160707892308794_6999652784296357707_n.jpg” size=”large”]I upgraded to a Samsung Tab S6 this summer & am enjoying the stylus. I found a nice drawing app (ArtFlow) and downloaded a Sketch a Day app. Here's week one: temple, jungle, swarm, grace, click, stand, and toast.

I upgraded to a Samsung Tab S6 this summer & am enjoying the stylus. I found a nice drawing app (ArtFlow) and downloaded a Sketch a Day app. Here’s week one: temple, jungle, swarm, grace, click, stand, and toast.