questimpressstructuredramafantasypreparedirectSketch A Day: quest, impress, structure, drama, fantasy, prepare, direct. Traced on “prepare” only. (I wanted to draw a blue-footed booby cuz mum had just learned of their existence. With the word of the day being “prepare” I thought it was perfect. Since I’d only mentioned the bird to mom when I was telling her how my co-worker had to do research ahead of time on the blue-footed booby before he went on a science trip to the Galapagos.)
rationsoulmagnetemotionfrequencymotioncreatureSketch A Day: ration, soul, magnet, emotion, frequency, motion, creature (traced the cat on “ration” and the ant on “creature.”) Cheetah drawn using instructions from Draw 50 Cats by Lee J. Ames.
sillydisguisepeelthrillfrownfearspaceshipSketch A Day: silly, disguise, peel, thrill, frown, fear, spaceship. Traced on peel. Disguise cat is drawn from instructions from Draw 50 Cats by Lee J. Ames.