classmillgoldenclanpoettalepublicationSketch A Day: class, mill, golden, clan, poet, tale, publication. Traced Mill. If you want dad’s book, you can buy it from Barnes & Noble.
curseriderterrainlotteryenteroxygencanalSketch A Day: curse, rider, terrain, lottery, enter, oxygen, canal (traced rider & canal. Used video instructions on the candle flame for oxygen)
shrinkhornmeloncracksliceeasydrainSketch A Day: shrink, horn, melon, crack, slice, easy, drain (used How2Draw video to help with horn, traced the lines of the building for easy, melon is freehand but an attempt to draw Melon from Jeph Jacques’ Questionable Content webcomic)
dropletirispairberriesnominatefloorostrichSketch A Day: droplet, iris, pair, berries, nominate, floor, ostrich (no tracing this week – woo! Used a How2Draw animals video to help with the ostrich)