Happy Winter Solstice!

Hope everyone enjoyed the shortest day of the year! Some of you might even have been lucky enough to have seen the lunar eclipse last night. I didn’t, but I saw several photos and it looked like a good ‘un. (For you Southern Hemisphere folks, I hope you enjoyed your Summer Solstice and your longest day of the year!)

Today was our last day of school for 2010. And we had an early dismissal. Yay! I actually got almost half of the catapult reports graded before I left today, which is an accomplishment. And I’m now done with the wood burning & shellacking of the various frames I’m making for gifts for family. There’s one hold-up yet with the crafts, which I hope to work on some during downtimes with the fambly the next couple of days.

Speaking of fambly – tomorrow is Baking Day for me & mom. Then tomorrow night, the girls arrive – Amy & Rachel should be flying in around 10pm. Yay! Will be great to see ’em again!

Will likely be busy with family stuff, though I hope to post a bit before The Big Day. But if not, I’ll just say to you all – Happy Holidays! Hope you are getting some quality time either with family or friends or even just with yourself.

2 thoughts on “Happy Winter Solstice!

  1. We realised only this morning that today was our summer solstice. Lots of daylight for us! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to your odd school days/holidays system, its all so aaaaalllliiieeeeennnnn 😛

    1. Heh heh – we finally did a smart thing this year. Our first semester doesn’t actually end until 2 weeks after we get back, but rather than have semester exams after 2 weeks of vacation, we had them right before we released for the break. (And I got mine all graded – no failures!)

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