Quicky end of month post

Can I get this posted before midnight? Let’s try!

Today the parental units and I went to the Tipp City Mum Festival. Lots of stalls selling things, mostly autumn-themed items. Several stalls with mums and pumpkins too. And of course, the most important stalls, the food vendors!

Dad and I each got gyros (mine lamb, his chicken), mom got a corn dog, and we split an order of spiral fried potatoes (basically, home made potato chips). Good eats. Then for dessert, the folks got a peach cobbler a la mode which was tasty, and I got the deep fried sampler: cheesecake bites, Nutterbutters, and Oreos. Almost too sweet for me (almost). Thankfully, the folks ate almost half of the sampler.

This evening was cards at Aunt Becky’s – probably the last time we’ll play cards at her house as she’ll be moving to a two bedroom apartment in two weeks. And we’ll probably play cards there (as she’s moving into the same complex as another of our regular card players). I came in second during the first game, and came in first during the second – woo!

Oh, and I think Sophie Aldred spoiled tonight’s Doctor Who episode for me. Reading Twitter before you’ve watched the episode can be a bad idea…

Oooh – I think I made the time – woo!

4 thoughts on “Quicky end of month post

  1. I’ve been making it a point to NOT go into any Doctor Who places until I have watched the episode. That includes FB and its many groups and LJ. Too many chances of spoilers.

    1. I usually just skim through Twitter (one friend in particular who warns us he’ll be live posting, but tries to avoid spoilers) on DW night, but wasn’t expecting something from Ms. Aldred. Heh. Still, she didn’t truly spoiler me after all – whew!

  2. I still haven’t seen the ep but I’ve gotten the gist of it via spoilers at Tumblr. I’m not really fussed about it. So do you eat lamb also? How do you reconcile that with being an animal lover? I ask because it’s becoming more of an issue for me, so I’m trying to find out how other folks deal with it. (I just mean meat in general. I could never eat lamb–BABY SHEEPS!!) Tonight I had a Lean Cuisine lime chicken+rice thingamagummy and it was good, because the chicken was chopped up into pieces. When it still resembles a chicken, I can’t eat it. (Oh, and on Saturday, le boyfriend and I had scrumptious pizza that was chicken garlic–yes, the chicken was chopped up into pieces–and may have had ranch dressing as the sauce. TO DIE FOR.)

    1. Dunno, I’ve never had an issue reconciling being an omnivore with being an animal lover. I won’t eat my kitties. (Though they’d eat me, given half a chance.) Won’t eat liver or kidneys though – I refuse to eat the body’s filters. 😉

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