First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school – whee!

My end of summer was really packed full of action & adventure, which is why I’ve not updated my journal in that time. I finished up my visit with Amy (more details later, I hope!) and the day after I returned, flew in for a week spent at mom & dad’s cottage at the Lake. And as we were at the lake (soon joined by ) we didn’t have any internet connection. Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses!

Still, I decided I wanted to have something interesting in this post, so I’ve uploaded a short video that I filmed at Open Streets MPLS while visiting Amy. We rode bikes to Lake St and then got on Minnehaha which was blocked off to street traffic for about 20 blocks. While perusing the various things going on, we saw a group of tap dancers from Keane Sense of Rhythm demonstrating their craft and giving mini lessons to folks interested. I filmed them for a bit and have edited the video a little for your enjoyment as well. The song playing while they tapped was “Hey, Soul Sister” by Train.

Oh, and I just want to brag here – I was able to finish reading 30 books during the summer! I’ll update my summer stats at another later post (probably).

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