Great Britain Expedition, 2015, part six

Tonight we are sleeping in Liverpool! Birthplace of the Beatles!

But this morning, we awoke in Cardiff, birthplace of Dame Burley Chassie (AKA Dame Shirley Bassie). I was able to have my “normal” full English breakfast (even though I wasn’t *in* England) since my stomach behaved. And it wasn’t long before we were on the road again.

On our way to Ludlow, we took a slight detour to Tintern Abbey for a photo op. Not only did I get pictures of the abbey, but I also found out they had a millstone at the parking lot roundabout, so I took a selfie of me with “The Coveted Millstone Award” to share with Papa. I’ll get the photo to you eventually, dad, I promise! 🙂

Ludlow, it turns out, has Britain’s highest number of listed buildings with over 500. Most are Tudor-style though there were some Georgian around too. We had a 1 hour stop for lunch, so I popped into the local butcher’s for a pork pie, then added to that with a few items from a local deli (some Thai salad, an elderflower lemonade, and a Portuguese custard tart). It was all very yummy and we sat outside on a bench in a square to enjoy our lunch. Then we took several photos (which I’ll share later) and returned to the bus. Phew!

Next stop was Chester, where James took us on a tour of the Roman rows and pointed out several Tudor, faux-Tudor, Gothic, Roman, and Georgian buildings. Quite a mix, often at the same time. We parted at the Cathedral for a little free-time and mom, Amy, and I found a little coffee shop where we got coffee (not me), hot chocolate (me), and scones with clotted cream & the best strawberry jam I recall having. We finished just in time to return, once again, to the coach.

Our final stop of the day was the aformentioned Liverpool. When we arrived, they dropped off the bags while we had a short potty break (I just walked around the hotel) before turning to the bus, but with a new guide – Peter, our local expert. He’s a Liverpudlian who does Beatles tours usually and gave us a tour of Liverpool in general and the Beatles specifically. Mom, Amy, and I got a photo by a Penny Lane sign.
Amy, mom, and me at Penny Lane

Once back at the hotel, we got our room keys, dumped our bags (the big ones had been delivered), and decided to walk somewhere nearb for supper. After combing all the options at the Albert docks, we decided upon The Smugger’s Cove. They were full up or normal dining, but there was room at the bar. I ordered their hanging lamb kebab, cole slaw, and a Buccaneer drink (rum-based coctail with raspberry liquer and peach juice or something). We had a pleasant evening not being in a rush for once. Plus, when we got back, I was able to work on two of my lessons for the college class I’m taking.

My girls are both asleep now and I should join them. Another early start tomorrow as we wind our way north towards Glasgow! We’ll be in Scotland tomorrow!

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