Stereophonic Treen

In my quest for power the ultimate in geekdom, I bought myself a “home theatre” system. Nothing enormous. Just a nice $180 300 watt system from RCA (tax included). Now I can watch either DVD player, VCR, or listen to radio without resorting to swapping cables and stuff. I ended up with yet another remote control (I feel like Susan in Coupling), which was supposedly universal, but didn’t even have DVD player codes. So now there’s a remote for the TV, the Sampo (my multiregion DVD player), the Phillips (my combo DVD/VCR) and now the RCA. All of the batteries work in them, however (joke only for fans of Coupling).

Now, I really dislike the radio. They never play music that I like and then talk and talk and talk all the time. So I love Rhapsody. I can play streaming music of groups that I like, and they even have a “radio” feature that will stream 10 groups that you like plus similar music. So far I’ve made a BritPop station (The Clash, Oasis, Pulp, Blur, Franz Ferdinand, etc), a Swing station (based upon Cherry Poppin’ Daddies & Squirrel Nut Zippers – it plays Reel Big Fish a lot and I think I’ll like them), a Motown station (I was surprised that Rhapsody didn’t have one of those already!) and a station of my usual groups (PSB, Chumbawamba, Rusted Root, etc). I’ll set up others for other moods, I’m sure.

So, um, you’re probably wondering why I’ve started talking about all this while I’m writing about my new Home Theatre? Ah, you see, it all goes back to that FM transmitter thingy that I bought when the Evil Geek Women forced me to buy my wireless network. If I have that FM transmitter hooked to my computer and play Rhapsody, I can just get a signal into the living room where the Home Theatre system is set up. Even better, with my new wireless network, I can have the laptop in the living room and streaming music from Rhapsody and onto the tranmitter. Sweet! So now I can listen to the radio, but it’ll be music that I like. And no talking! Woohoo!

(In other Geek news, I’ll have to admit that Judi was right – I’ve been enjoying Diablo II. If only my Spring Break were longer – I’ve got fun things I want to do still!)

10 thoughts on “Stereophonic Treen

  1. I feel like Susan in Coupling I can sympathise with that (one remote for the radio, one for the home theater to turn on and volume, one for the TV, one for the video, one for the DVD player, one for the CD player) Hooray for radio thingies. I just get CDs from my friends, burn a copy for me and play them over and over. Ehe. Funny. I just discovered a sad song that makes me think of the fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane. So sad. *sniffle* And no talking! Woohoo! The only two radio stations I listen to are JJJ (a sort of new music, rock to dance station) and classical FM. They both discuss things like mirangue pie and roadsigns color schemes. Yay for their talking! Diablo II? Am I being a non-nerd wondering what that is? *pokes your icon* Ehe. It’s funny because it’s true.

    1. Diablo II? Am I being a non-nerd wondering what that is? Video game that judiang made me buy. Very addictive. I’m being Anne the Assassin. (I picked the name. My first go was as Ned the Necromancer.)

      1. *pokes your icon again* This one is also funny because it’s true. Like spiderman only without the spider? Now I have things like “Don the Dentist” and “Erin the Epidermist” stuck in my head. Ehe. Alfred the Alchemist.

        1. Mom! She keeps poking my icons! 😉 Like spiderman only without the spider? You mean “man”? Now I have things like “Don the Dentist” and “Erin the Epidermist” stuck in my head. I blame Roger the Shrubber.

          1. DAMN YOU ROGER *shakes fist* You could have spiderman without both the spider AND the man. He’d just be ——-.

      2. Love the Ned one. All this talk about Diablo and from pressure in RL…looks like I’m buying it. 🙂

        1. All this talk about Diablo and from pressure in RL…looks like I’m buying it. 🙂 Sweet! There’s a few of us on IRC now with it, maybe we can get a bunch of us together online to play it. I haven’t done the online playing yet, but judiang, indefatigable42, and audioboy have a few games going together. When you do get it, you should be able to get Diablo II, the expansion pack for Diablo II and a strategy guide for around $40 (I found mine at Best Buy). I thought that was a great deal. It also comes with Diablo. (You definitely need the expansion – then you can be an Assassin too!)

          1. *Salutes* Will probably wait until the beginning of May…we’re closing on the house in two weeks. All that and a new time eating game would be a little too much. LOL But definitely and thanks for the heads up on Best Buy…I practically live there…

  2. if you like them you might like Mighty Mighty Bosstones, some kinda ska/swing type stuff. Diablo was addictive as hell back in the day:) We are waiting for Blizzard to release Worlds of WarCraft Bob

    1. Hmmm, I think I’m liking Mighty Mighty Bosstones more than Reel Big Fish. Thanks for the recommendation! 🙂

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