Judi’s Arrived!

We had perfect timing at the airport, but still missed each other the first time around… elsaf and I pulled up to the Northwest terminal and I got out. Elsa’s phone rang before I’d completely left the car (but I didn’t hear it). I went in door One and then judiang came out door Two. So then I found the baggage carousel, but they were done with her flight. I turned around, looking for Judi when she called to me. She’d already put her bag in Elsa’s car and was looking for me.

So, that all done, we arrived back at Elsa’s and she’s now making us PIZZA!

7 thoughts on “Judi’s Arrived!

  1. Pizza is gooood *magically ages self ten years, accumulates plane ticket and muchos money and joins you* *sigh* Have a nice time for me!

    1. Heh – we did have a nice time. And if you ever managed to accumulate plane tickets and muchos money to get yourself over this way, I’ll make you a Damn Fine Pizza (and make you watch Sylv videos). 🙂

      1. and make you watch Sylv videos Just you try and stop me! And if you ever managed to accumulate plane tickets and muchos money to get yourself over this way *enjoys the italic quotey thingy* Well, I’d better actually be able to travel furthur than from school to home by myself first…*pokes savings* Grow dammit!

        1. *pokes savings* Grow dammit! When I was your age (which is more than half my life ago – sheesh!) I had lots of money… (Relatively speaking.) But a year later, I got into collecting obscure records and albums and spent all my hard earned (read, allowance) money on Neil Innes albums. There’s still some Neil Innes stuff out there that I don’t have (and can’t afford), so I guess I’ll always need money. 😉

          1. collecting obscure records and albums and spent all my hard earned (read, allowance) money That’s my problem, I DO collect obscure (well, to no Whovians) things. Doctor Who novels, remote controll Daleks etc. dry up every cent that comes my way, which isn’t much in the first place as I have no allowence or job. I guess I should be proud because I bought “The Hand Of Fear” completly from small change I found on the ground (only took me a year :P) May I ask who Neil Innes is without being an evil heathan?

          2. May I ask who Neil Innes is without being an evil heathan? Sure. Neil Innes is a British musician who was in such notable groups as The Bonzo Dog Band, The Rutles, Grimms, and World. (OK, so there’s probably only two groups there you *might* have heard of, and even that’s somewhat rare for folks.) He also did a lot of solo work and traveled with Monty Python when they did their live show. (He sang “Short Blues,” “The Protest Song,” and “How Sweet to be an Idiot” and some other songs. “How Sweet” is probably his most famous single. “I’m the Urban Spaceman” is another one he’d do solo and with Python, but it was a Bonzo Dog Band song that was produced by none other than Apollo C. Vernmouth (you probably know him best as Paul McCartney).) Grief, in thinking over these facts that I remember, I realize this is why I can’t remember more recent events or upcoming events. There’s no room! My brain is fully of ticky tack!

          3. Oooh…That person! I only know him for the Monty Python stuff. Everyone’s decided “how sweet to be an idiot” should be my theme song. There’s no room! My brain is fully of ticky tack! And they’re all made out of ticky tack, and they all look just the same…That happens to me too. I still can’t find my way around my suburb. How depressing.

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