It’s finally Spring!

Happy Spring to all (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is)! We actually had a nice Spring-like day, too. Bit of sun, bit of rain, warm enough for open windows, cool enough to require a jacket. Leo enjoyed the open windows and was severely ticked off when I finally shut them all this evening.

dark_pheonix, another Sylv fan, sent me some fan art that she made of Da Man so that I can put it up on the Sylv site. I have done that this evening. Go check out her fabulous fan art at my Sylv Image Archives.

In the Music Listening stakes, I’ve tried a number of groups now. I’m afraid The Hives did not pass the audition (so far, they’re the only group I actually stopped listening to and moved on to the next group). I couldn’t work while they played. The Strokes were like the Ramones in that I didn’t mind having them on in the background, but I don’t need to listen to them a lot. Barenaked Ladies, Norah Jones, P. J. Harvey, and Siouxsie and the Banshees have all made the grade. I might end up purchasing some of their music later on. Got Mudhoney playing now and it’s not doing anything for me. Not quite as distracting as The Hives, but not as in the background as The Strokes. I listened to The Sugarcubes, but don’t remember any of their music, so I guess they’re in the “good background” group. Hmm, maybe when I’m done I can do a tabular summary. Or maybe I’ll forget who all that I listened to and have to start all over again. Heh.

9 thoughts on “It’s finally Spring!

  1. fabulous fan art Such a wonderful honor, having my pictures on your site…*Is still feeling generally humbled about all these wonderful people she now knows* Wow…*Hugs you* thankies muchly for compliments and everything. Tis rare to find someone who doesn’t either hit you or run away when you comment on Penguin Man’s droolsomeness…You should feel loved 😀

    1. I’ve never hidden my love for Sylv. Gotta love that brolli. hehe Plus I’ve always been a sucker for penguins. *grins* It’s my love of SPC and Six that shames me….

      1. There is nothing wrong with Sixlove Crud know’s I’ve indulged enough but Sylvester McCoy is just so damn talented/nice/good-looking/memorable it isn’t funny (well, it is in a peguiney way)

        1. True he is a cutie and very talented. I loved him as Seven. And I think i’ve caught him in a few more things but wish I could find more. Thanks to Trina’s suggestions I do believe I have a few things to nab off of ebay. *smiles*

          1. Unfortunatley I do not have the monitary backing to collect anything outside Doctor Who goodness. They should pay us highschool students for breathing. Yes. I am deranged and mildly smelly.

    2. *Hugs you* thankies muchly for compliments and everything. The compliments were well deserved. I don’t have the patience for artwork. I wanna get right to the inking stage and forget all the pre-work with pencils and stuff. Tis rare to find someone who doesn’t either hit you or run away when you comment on Penguin Man’s droolsomeness… At Visions 95, my first con and my first time to meet Da Man, I got a gorgeous autographed photo of Sylv. I later showed it to my then chemistry class. One of the girls declared him “Da Bomb” and the others agreed. Clearly a class with taste! 🙂

      1. *Oggles picture* So. Nice. *Pulse increases to a rate where arms and legs drop off* There- my point exactly- when I just fell off my chair in a fangirlish lather someone looked over my shoulder and said “I can see why you’re so scared of that thing” *Slaps IT class*

  2. You have such a wonderful site. It was one of the first I saw while on the hunt for all things Sylv many moons ago. *smiles* Keep up the great work. Wish more of his work made it over to the states.

    1. You have such a wonderful site. Thanks! I’ve been trying to talk Dark_Pheonix into joining the SMCSB mailing list – you should too. It’s so damn quiet. We need new blood! Wish more of his work made it over to the states. Some of his best stuff has made it over here. The Last Place on Earth is one of the best miniseries ever made, IMO. In the seven hours of it, Sylv is in probably an hour (good ratio for him, actually). It’s less than $40 for the DVD set. (I managed to sell my VHS set for $40 on eBay and then bought the DVD set – so it was sort of like a free upgrade. Bought the VHS set for $100, however!) Tom Jones, which I’ve yet to make a page for (bad Trina!) is another excellent miniseries that A&E put out on video and DVD. You can find that going cheap on eBay in both formats. And not only do you get Sylv in a silly wig (see icon) but you get BRIAN BLESSED and John Sessions too! Alas, his audio books haven’t made it over here. They have someone else reading the Philip Ardagh “Eddie Dickens Trilogy” but I have seen the tapes up for sale on eBay. His Even Madder Aunt Maud is to die for. 🙂

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