More on Music

(Or should that be moron music?)

MusicMatch doesn’t have a nifty way to display your playlists or music collection, but since I can print my music collection from MM, I can print to PDF file. So, to give folks an idea of what sort of music that I already listen to, I’ve made a .pdf file of my current list of tunes. (This doesn’t include my Christmas songs or my audio stories.) Click here to access the big-ass file. (Actually, it didn’t take long to open up on my machine – perhaps it won’t be so difficult to preview?)

I’ve gotten some suggestions so far to my request for new groups/songs to listen to. I’ll get to those, and I’m asking for even more beyond that. So once again, anything you think I should try, lemme know and I’ll see if Rhapsody has ’em. Thanks for the suggestions so far and for the ones yet to come! 🙂

Anyhoo, off to bed! Leo’s raring to go!

3 thoughts on “More on Music

  1. OK I’ll give ya a sort of short list of some things I have in mp3 format already. Anything else you want, if I have it in CD I’ll gladly rip it into mp3 for ya. Bowie, Clash, Enya, Kate Bush, ZZTop, The Police, all sorts of white lable remixes, Clannad, Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Cold Play, Evanescence, Drummatica, No Doubt, Macy Gray, Maroon 5, RHPS, DJ Icey, DJ Baby Anne… Basicly too many to list. And numerous live performances. Most of the stuff I have are full CD’s. If you like I can send you a list of mp3’s I have on my server at this time.

    1. You know, I never thought to try David Bowie. And Kate Bush is another artist I’ve heard folks talk about. Both of them are at Rhapsody, so I’ll give ’em a listen. Then I’ll try some of the other groups you’ve mentioned. Thanks!

      1. I have a few up on my journal if you want them. They’re remixes though. Kate Bush is awewome, one of my favorite songs is Cloudbusting and umm.. Hounds of Love is another good one.

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