Looking for Music

Well, I’ve listened to all of my MP3s and found the ones which need repairing. And I’ve listened to groups on Rhapsody that I’d been interested in hearing. But what I’ve discovered is that I need more stuff to listen to. Used to be I’d get into groups because of Amy, but now that we no longer live with the ‘rents, I don’t get to listen to her music anymore. So here is where you can help me. Suggest to me some songs or artists that you think I should try. If I can listen to them at Rhapsody, I will. If there’s a website around with samples of the song/artist, let me know. I’m not terribly fond of country music, but that doesn’t stop me from having some Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, or Kenny Rogers in my collection. I like dance, hip-hop, anarchy (well, Chumbawamba), classic rock, Latino, Bhangra, African, Celtic, trance and novelty tunes. And I am willing to try new stuff. So go on, educate me! And later I’ll post my thoughts on the suggested tunes, if I can find ’em to listen to ’em.

Oh – thanks in advance!

12 thoughts on “Looking for Music

  1. Well I have around 120GB or so of mp3’s. Very ecclectic collection including many live concert bootlegs… So tell me what you’re interested in and I might have it. *smiles*

  2. Well, as you know, I’m partial to the Dixie Chicks. Right now I’m listening to this interesting song “Ancient Forest” by Clannad from their album “Legend”. I really like Clannad, Enya and Lorena McKennit (for Celtic flavour). I’ve now managed to get 2 days worth of “music” on my IPOD. Of course, a lot of that time is taken up by Big Finish audios and a couple of other Paul McGann readings. 🙂

    1. Ok, put the Dixie Chicks on my playlist. And “Goodbye Earl” is there. Of course, I’ll be picturing you while they sing it. 🙂 As for Clannad, Enya, and Loreena McKennitt, I have ’em all. 🙂 But thinking of Irish music, I remembered I wanted to check out some other tunes by Hothouse Flowers and discovered that Rhapsody has 2 of their albums that I don’t have. So I’ve playlisted them as well. Thanks!

    1. I think I know what Drake will suggest… RAMONES! Gosh! I was right! 🙂 I’ll try ’em out too.

  3. Like everyone in the UK (or so it seems) I’m utterly smitten with Franz Ferdinand. You could also try the Von Bondies. Both guitar bands (no surprise there).

    1. You’re the second person I’ve met who’s suggested Franz Ferdinand, but, alas, Rhapsody doesn’t have him. I’ll have to see if MusicMatch does. But the Von Bondies are there, so I’ll put ’em in my playlist. Thanks!

      1. FF is a they, rather than a he. I’ll put a compilation CD in the post to you sometime this week. Mags

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