Smile… you’re on candid camera!

Well, I did some searching last night on cameras. Looks like the term “Camedia” doesn’t show up on the latest Olympus cameras, but I think I’ve found the one that I want. is selling it for $209 and free shipping. Then I can search around for xD cards for the best buy on the higher capacity versions. It is the Olympus D560, 3.2MPixels, 3x optical and has USB out. The biggest complaint users have had about it is the battery life. But it does take AA, which is nice, and you can get rechargeable AAs (which I have). Unless someone posts to this LJ post bitching about newegg or the Olympus D560, I might order it tonight or at least by tomorrow. And hopefully it’ll be here before the Galley convention. 🙂

While typing that, I was eating a banana that had (for me) sat too long. So that got me thinking it’s Poll Time!

In my family, there’s a nice spectrum of banana lovers. I’m of the “still a bit green” variety, mom likes yellow but doesn’t mind a bit of brown, and dad fights the fruit flies off when eating his. And when he can’t eat ’em? It’s time for banana bread! Yum!

2 thoughts on “Smile… you’re on candid camera!

  1. When they’re getting brown spots on the outside, but the brown is barely on the banana inside, they’re perfect. Very sweet and soft.

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