Mail Order Stuff!

LJ-icon-SylvI’m a mail order junkie. No, I don’t sit around watching the shopping channels and ordering turnip twaddlers, but I do love mail order catalogs – whether on paper or online. Several years ago, before online shopping was the norm (for me, at least) I bought my entire Christmas through mail-order catalogs. It was great fun opening up all the stuff before I got to wrap ’em up as gifts for others. And I never once had to go out into crowded stores.

Now I rarely shop with paper catalogs. Oh, I’ll look through them, but if I see something I want, I’ll get online and go to their website. Then I’ll order the product. This way I don’t have to talk to anyone over the phone (gah! hate that!) or wait for my order to get lost in the mail. This way the computer can burp and I’ve no idea of the order went through or not…

My most recent online orders arrived today and are my yearly Oriental Trading Company Christmas order and something from Cafe Press. I, as a physics teacher, love cheap plastic physics toys. So every year for the holiday season, I order lots of cheap plastic physics (and chemistry) toys for my students. You just can’t beat a gross of plastic Christmas tops for $3.50. (Alas, they’ve not had plastic Christmas tops for the past two years – maybe they’ll get ’em back for next year.) I also got some fun stuff for me, cuz as much fun buying for others is, it’s even more fun to buy for yourself.

So my second order to arrive today was a Pegasus Mail sweatshirt from Cafe Press. Yes! Pegasus is now selling merchandise. Alas, it’s because David Harris needs the money. But it’s a great way to show your support for Pegasus Mail. Pegasus is the e-mail client that we use at work (at my insistence). And our school is the least hit by viruses in our county. (Knock wood!)

If you, too, love Pegasus e-mail, check out the Pegasus Store and order up some clothing, mugs, mouse pads, or whatever. The best part of the sweatshirt, IMO, is the back which states “Change Your Outlook.” 🙂 Actually, the best part is that David Harris gets the money he needs to help support this software.

Current Mood: mood_chipper chipper
Current Music: “There’s a Guy Works Down the Chip Shop Swears He’s Elvis” by Kirsty MacColl

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