Nothing to write about

LJ-icon-SylvWell, I knew it would happen – actually, I lasted longer than I thought I would. It’s been a week since I successfully got an LJ post up. And I posted every day – including today. But does today’s post really count when all I’m doing is writing to say that I have nothing to say? Hmmm, that’s an interesting question…

OK, here’s a question for y’all – if you were going to take your 11 year old cousin out for her first Indian meal, what would you order for her? Just for some assistance, she’s more of the non-adventurous sort. I seem to remember I was willing to try any strange “ethnic” food when I was her age, though I avoided “healthy-looking non-ethnic” food (aka, veggies). But she seems even more finicky than I was. Suggestions on a postcard to… Hell, I’ll make it easier – just comment on my LJ.

Current Mood: mood_apathetic mellow
Current Music: “Parents Just Don’t Understand” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince

4 thoughts on “Nothing to write about

  1. BrendaIconGo for a biryani… nice and ricey and identifiable, and not too strong or spicy. And mango lassi to drink. And gulab jamun for dessert.

  2. kiri lj iconWell I agree with the keep the spicy down (unless she LOVES spicy food), and everyone should have Lassi – mango or not! However my suggestion is to let her peruse the menu and decide what she might like. I’d talk about it with her – let her learn about each of the foods – if she’s so inclined. I wasn’t ever the type to have my food chosen for me. =) I’m rather fond of Lamb Saag myself. A nice Palak Paneer could be good too. Thete likes Naan bread and and .. oh it’s some sort of yellow curry with chicken dish =) Don’t forget dessert.. those are neat too. =)

  3. EvaIconI’m with Kiri on the Lamb Saag suggestion. That’s my favourite. If lamb is too radical for her to try, then go with chicken, but the saag is a nice, non-spicy dish. Cheese nan rocks, as do samosas. Lassi is wonderful stuff as well.

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