Propagation Hell…

LJ-icon-SylvIt’s the waiting game. Interestingly, I checked my webpage at work and it showed the new front page. Here at home, it’s still the same old, same old. I have RoadRunner at home as my ISP, but at school we have 2 bonded T1 lines to MDECA, which is our school’s A site. They’re our ISP, our grade warehouse, our student database store, our Internet filter (Bess – gah!), and many other things. Plus I’m getting some of the e-mail captured by InMotion and some by Sharp. So if you send me any e-mail and wonder if I got it, wait a day or so and ask.

I would like to take a moment to apologize to any family members who might happen to be reading this. Yes, I *am* a geek. You’ve known it for some time. And my LiveJournal is even more evidence of it. I suppose it’s the nature of the beast that when I post to my LJ, that some of it (most of it lately, I’ll admit, but that’s cuz of the host change) will be geeky. I shall endeavor, however, to not *always* be a geek in my posts. (Aw, who am I kidding? Once a geek, always a geek!) 😉

Leo, meanwhile, is happily playing with a twist tie. What’s the opposite of geek? Whatever it is, it’s Leo. 🙂

Current Mood: mood_chipperamused
Current Music: “Give the Anarchist a Cigarette” by Chumbawamba

7 thoughts on “Propagation Hell…

  1. BrendaIconLeo is a geek too. Geeks can be amused, enthralled, and entertained by the simplest and smallest phenomena. Ever see a physicist with a penny-racer car, or a spinning top from a crackerjack box? Keeps them busy for hours…

    1. SylvIconYou have a point… I am very easily entertained. (And I love penny-racer cars! Or just about any physics toy. Or chemistry toy. Or just about any toy…)

  2. ElsaIconFrom my server here at work, your new page is showing up. Won’t know whether it’s showing up when I’m at home until I go home… The question is: Are your comment notifications going to your new mail server or your old mail server?

    1. SylvIconCurrently, they’re disappearing into the ether, since neither has picked them up yet. Hopefully *one* of them is catching these e-mails! (And it looks like InMotion is picking up more of the e-mails than Sharp.)

    1. SylvIconNo fear! I’m geek by nature and by nurture. The only thing I don’t do is eat live chickens. (I’m rather fond of the dead ones, however…)

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