33 1/3 pictures…

Don’t panic – I’m not going to display 33 1/3 photos here, just photos of my 33 1/3 birthday bash. 🙂

Trina hugs Amy - the surprise part of her party.
Trina hugs Amy – the surprise part of her party.

The birthday cake!
The birthday cake!

Amy lights 33 1/3 candles.
Amy lights 33 1/3 candles.

Trina hugs Rachel via the Piglet Proxy.
Trina hugs Rachel via the Piglet Proxy

We hope Rachel didn't wake up with a hangover - Piglet really liked the wine...
We hope Rachel didn’t wake up with a hangover – Piglet really liked the wine…

Awwww - cute little baby goose!
Awwww – cute little baby goose!

3 thoughts on “33 1/3 pictures…

  1. I should’ve sent a proxy too…Never mind, as long as you had a spiffy party 😀 BBQ lighter for the candles?? It’s much more fun to use matches 😛 Yay for you…You looked almost exactly as I pictured you. How scary. (not you…You know what I mean…) Now I’m all confused. I think I’ll go enjoy your random sylv pic now.

    1. BBQ lighter for the candles?? It’s much more fun to use matches 😛 You’re young yet, when you get into your 30s, you’ll realize life is too short to light candles with matches. Heck, eventually you cut out the candles all together and save even more time! You looked almost exactly as I pictured you. How scary. Heh – yeah, usually… It’s even scarier first thing in the morning. Just ask judiang or elsaf. 🙂

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