Another ‘Net Quiz

LJ-icon-SylvBeing a fan of the Winnie the Pooh stories, I couldn’t resist this quiz: Which Pooh Character Are You?”

You are Tigger.
Headstrong almost to a fault, practically nothing
gets you down.
You enjoy making grand entrances and the odd
practical joke, (and are not afraid to ‘bounce’
somebody if it gets a laugh from your friends.)
You love being the life of the party but your
energy and fun-loving nature can sometimes get
you into trouble.
As a Tigger you do crave attention, but you are
always fun to be around.

Which Pooh character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am not at all surprised by that.

Current Mood: mood_bouncy bouncy
Current Music: “Let’s Get Busy Baby” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince

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