Summer GIP!

With the new season upon us, it’s time I got a new seasonal icon. Much perusing of Sylv pictures ensued. But I think I’ve got it.

Started my summer job (which is my usual job, only just computers, no kids) this week. Next week is science camp (where I teach physics). And I’m taking tomorrow off. Heh. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Summer GIP!

  1. (blinks) I just got this image from that of SylvDoc and Ace wandering around Spoleto and Piccolo Spoleto (two concurrent art fests that just ended about a week ago – they’re a big deal down here). Of course, I also got Fantasia Barrino’s killer rendition of Summertime in my head to go along with it – neat. ever your servant, Jennwarp (who just had to get a basically nekkid Sylv pic for the random one here… doesn’t help the concentration… I mean, just a hat, braces, and garters, sheesh…)

    1. I should write a Doc7/Ace story set at the Taste of Chicago. It’s become an annual tradition for me and my friends. Alas, not a whole lot of jazz playing, but the fireworks are accompanied by the Grant Park Orchestra. (who just had to get a basically nekkid Sylv pic for the random one here… doesn’t help the concentration… I mean, just a hat, braces, and garters, sheesh…) Ah, I love disturbing the concentration of my Sylvish friends. 🙂

      1. (dies laughing at the chick magnet icon – that rocks hard!) I wonder how many cities have a Taste Of event – I know Buffalo does, as does Charleston. Hmm. I haven’t had a chance to hit the Chas. one yet – maybe next year. As for the distraction – much appreciated. (g) ever your servant, Jennwarp

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