Poetry Moment…

I’ve been going through my filing cabinet tonight (ostensibly to clean it out – ha!) and had to start out with my creative writing folders. I am a very nice girl and I’m going to spare you from my early Doctor Who fan fiction. Gah! I can barely read it myself. (I wonder if I’ll feel the same way about my later fan fiction? Well, at least most of the later stuff I actually *finished*!)

When I was going through my poetry folder, however, I was much less embarrassed with my younger self. And I noticed something that I really hadn’t noticed before. Most of the “original” documentation for my poetry were on scraps of paper and previously turned in homework and stuff. I actually used to doodle in poetry… (Yes, it wasn’t all fancy print of the names “Eric Idle” or “Sylvester McCoy,” though there’s a fair bit of that in my doodles.) Haven’t written poetry in a long time, but as with my prose writing, I really haven’t been missing it.

As a kid (well, from 5th grade on) I had every intention of being a professional writer when I grew up. In addition to being a teacher, of course. (Teaching was my profession of choice since I could pronounce “profession” and maybe even before then.) The New Adventures of Doctor Who propagated this childhood desire and helped to encourage my fan fiction writing. I had fun with my fan fiction and my poetry and my other stories. I enjoy rereading a lot of it (well, the later stuff), but I just don’t have the desire to write it anymore. Perhaps it will come again – we’ll see. I guess I can use LiveJournal as a way to keep in with writing, even if it is “nonfiction” writing.

So anyway, on to the Poetry Moment. Under the LJ cut is a poem I wrote during my college years. I hope the formatting works in most browsers – I have a tendency to be very particular how my poetry looks as well as sounds. And the formatting of this one is very particular (even with the original). I wrote an Ode to Jabberwocky once, but I probably couldn’t print it in a web page because the word “Jabberwock” must be written backwards. (I have no trouble handwriting it because I write backwards quite easily. No, I’m not demonic.)

If I Were to Offer You Some Cheese,
Would You Eat it Now or Save it for Later?

The piece of cheese
Sat on the table
Waiting as a horse
Waits in its stable

The Yellow Cheese
Wants to please
Is it better
Than Brie or Cheddar?

The piece of cheese
In the window sees
Fleas, bees, knees

The Yellowish Cheese
Chooses to please
Have some with lemon?
Eat it with women?

The piece of cheese
Invited me over
It fluttered its wings
Like a long lost lover

The Yellowing Cheese
Waiting to please
It thinks ye ought
Eat it in a yacht

The piece of cheese
Belongs to me’s
And he’s, she’s, thee’s

Would you like some Cheese?
Say please!

One thought on “Poetry Moment…

  1. Please may I have some cheese? I like to please My yellow penguin like a fish Who needs some water and a rather small vole who enjoyed your poetry.

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