Chocolate Decadence…

Ever since our trip to Cambridge, Mass, where I had some truly decadent bittersweet chocolate ice creams, I’ve been wanting to make some of my own. I did a half-hearted search online, but had pretty much decided that I wanted to try the Chocolate Truffle Ice Cream recipe from The Ultimate Ice Cream Book, a book that elsaf gave me for Christmas when she got me the ice cream machine. It uses a ganache, which is scalded cream on melted chocolate. I used Ghirardelli’s bittersweet chocolate for the ganache and Hershey’s cocoa as the cocoa. I noticed that Hershey also makes a Dutch Cocoa, which I might have to get some time. I believe that’s another bittersweet chocolate.

So last night, I made the concoction (and it was fun to lick the bowl) and this morning I froze it after cooling it in the fridge over night. And after lunch, I had a couple of scoops. The verdict? Damn, it’s mighty fine! Dad assures me that I’ve exceeded myself. I think mom might think it’s too rich. (She’s only had a quick spoonful so far, though.) I’ll let judiang tell you what she thinks of it when she comes this weekend. I think she’ll be impressed. It knocks Friendly’s Forbidden Chocolate ice cream out of the race, I think. And it’s so damn creamy and smooth! Gah! You just can’t argue with a cup and a half of heavy cream in your ice cream! (This is NOT low-fat by any means of the imagination. And I don’t give a f*ck…)

Mmmmm – ice cream! Gotta love it. (I’m thinking of making some ice cream for Sunday, when my folks, aunt, granny, and cousin join Judi and I at the Lake for cards and eats. But I think I’ll go with decadent vanilla. Aunt Becky said she might bring brownies to go with the vanilla. Mmmmm – brownies!)

Um, is this a good time to admit that I finally got my weight down to where it was before the first time Judi visited me this summer???

4 thoughts on “Chocolate Decadence…

  1. There are two types of cocoa powder, regular and Dutch process. Both are, in themselves, unsweetened (as opposed to bittersweet). Dutch process cocoa is less acid than regular and darker in color. It also has a lower fat content. When I was young, my mother used to get Droste’s Dutch process cocoa. To make a cup of hot chocolate with it, you mixed cocoa and sugar (I don’t remember the measurements ) into a couple of tablespoons of condensed milk, then filled the cup with boiling water. It was yummy.

    1. Mmmmmm – sounds good. But yeah, I should have said “darker” or “more alkaline” rather than “bittersweet.” I may not understand this coffee passion that so many people have, but I do understand the joy of bitter and sweet. 🙂

  2. Hooray for getting weight down and up again 😛 I must say, I’ve never had the slightest problem with my weight, though I eat as much as Dad. Perhaps its all this Penguin Man Squeeing…As we drool, we shed pounds 😀

    1. Perhaps its all this Penguin Man Squeeing…As we drool, we shed pounds 😀 Considering the number of fangrrls who lost weight during Gallifrey 2004 (thanks to Paul McGann and Sylvester McCoy being there), you could be right! I call it the Eye Candy Diet. Alas, all that ice cream that I make interferes with the Eye Candy Diet. 😉

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