Ad Hoc, Ad Lock, Ad Quid Pro Quo

So, fellow geeks, anyone know how to set up an ad hoc Peer to Peer network between two machines with 802.11g wireless cards? judiang and I tried last night to set up something like that, but never could see each other. We’re using Winders (she’s XP Home and I’m XP Pro).

Any advice accepted! Please help! Soon! Thanks! 🙂

(If this connection to the Internet lasts, I hope to later write more about yesterday. The connection has been sporadic this trip to the Lake. Meanwhile, I’m off to the grocery to get sugar for making ice cream.)

5 thoughts on “Ad Hoc, Ad Lock, Ad Quid Pro Quo

  1. Are you connecting them directly to each other? If so, don’t use the regular Cat5 cable. I forget exactly what the name is for the type you need (twisted pair cable maybe?).

    1. You mean crossover cable. However, we’re not using wired NICs but wireless NICS. Look ma, no wires. Thanks anyhoo!

  2. I’ve never attempted to make ice cream. Mnn. Now I’ve got an ice cream craving. Damn. A whatterwhat connection? *blinkety blink*

    1. Making ice cream is fun! Almost as fun as eating it. As for the networking problem, as you’ll read in today’s post, we finally did get it sorted.

  3. That’s somewhat what we have in mind with ColoGeo, though one of the devices would likely be a “server” and one a “client”, not specifically peer-to-peer. You can also use Howl (implementation of Zeroconf networking) to “sniff” each other on the network. Howl is available from Porchdog Software.

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