Tie-Dying for Fun and Profit

Well, no, we’re not doing this for profit. But we sure as heck had fun doing it. And today I have the results of yesterday’s tie-dying experience. The shirts are currently air drying and I took photos of each. And here are the five shirts that judiang and I did yesterday.

Trina's rainbow colored shirt.
Here is my rainbow colored attempt. I need to remember in future to wrap a bit looser and then I’ll get more color and less white in the shirt.

Judi's purple & green shirt.
This was Judi’s tightly wrapped shirt. You will soon see why tightly wrapped isn’t as nice as loosely wrapped…

Trina's red & yellow shirt.
This is my red & yellow shirt. I love the colors! And you can almost tell there’s a spiral pattern there…

Judi's perfect blue & green shirt.
I *love* this shirt! It’s my favorite! Alas, it’s Judi’s shirt! (She did the wrap – and it was a wonderful loose spiral wrap. I did the actual dyeing.) You know, she lives ALL the way in Chicago… And it’s at MY house… And it fits me, too! Hmmmm…

Judi's other wonderful blue & green shirt.
Yet again, a spectacular shirt. This one was 100% Judi – the wonderful loose spiral wrap and her own dyeing method. She’s got talent, has our Judi!

So, a wonderful set of shirts, if you ask me! Judi’s a natural, in my opinion. I last did tie-dying nearly 10 years ago, but it was her first attempt at it. It was fun and messy – the best sort of activity. And we got to do it in my chemistry lab – another plus. Can’t wait to make some more shirts with Judi!

6 thoughts on “Tie-Dying for Fun and Profit

  1. Can’t wait to make some more shirts with Judi! Oh… Is that what they’re calling it nowadays? 😉

  2. I like the high proportion of white in the top one, it looks wonderful! Judi does seem to be rather talented. Are you making these shirts to keep? *suggests making a McCoy tie dye one* … Well, the tie dye looks wonderful and Penguin Man is wonderful, so you’d end up with the world’s best shirt ever 😛 Now if you’d excuse me, I have a bed to fall into. Again.

    1. Are you making these shirts to keep? Yes, indeedy do. *suggests making a McCoy tie dye one* Well, the tie dye looks wonderful and Penguin Man is wonderful, so you’d end up with the world’s best shirt ever 😛 Heh. I suggested to Judi that we should do one tie-dye with white in the center and then make her a Pomeranian iron on (her doggie, Lance) with the caption “Who’s your doggie?!” but we didn’t get around to it this time. Perhaps the next time. 🙂

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