Back Home!

Yay! The folks and I got home tonight and I’m now caught up in e-mail. But I think I’ll move to the living room to get caught up on LiveJournal. I mean, there’s Olympics to watch! Woohoo!

The wedding was a complete success. I will go into more detail when I have the chance. AND there will be photos! Of the lovely brides and the parents of the brides and even of the sister of the brides. The toast was a success as well. And Amy didn’t get angry at me once during the weekend. Woohoo!

So anyhoo, off to the living room to turn on, tune in, and drop off. 😉

5 thoughts on “Back Home!

  1. Hooray for the wedding going well! I look forward to seeing the pictures. I’ve completely forgotten about the olympics. It was so amazingly hyped up when we in Australia hosted it, I don’t think we have enough hype to pervade all this time.

    1. The pictures will occur maybe this weekend. I’m too busy watching ‘lympics to bother with useful things. You know, Olympic Junkies shouldn’t have to work when the Olympics are on.

    1. I might get one picture up tonight, but currently I’m too busy vegging and watching Olympics to bother with useful things. 🙂

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