8 thoughts on “Coupling Season 2

  1. I didn’t think it was quite as funny when I first saw it, but I bought the DVD and it’s growing on me. In some ways it is more farcical, and I miss Geoff a bit.But it is still funny 🙂

    1. The loss of Geoff is sad, but the addition of what’s-his-face as Who fan is just so freaking hilarious to me. Stephen Moffat has entirely given up on the idea of keeping his fannishness under the hat altogether…it makes my own fannish heart glow, really.

          1. Cool – sounds like a good addition to the show. Looking forward to season 4 getting to R1 DVD. 🙂

  2. I’ve just begun watching coupling starting with season 4 and working backwards via whatever BBC America shows, it’s rather good thus far. Thanks for the well wishes against the storm, I need it! Now, how do I turn on “comments” and when did I turn them off? My brain is fried and I can’t find the right place on LJ.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes against the storm, I need it! There are times I’m glad I live in Ohio instead of, say, Florida. Hurricane Season is one of those times! Now, how do I turn on “comments” and when did I turn them off? I think you must have turned them off when you first began your journal since you’ve never had them on. (At least, as far as I can remember.) To change your settings, go to http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml and scroll down to the check box labeled “Enable Message Boards.” Check that and then look at the other settings for it. You can decide if “Anybody” or “Registered Users” or “Friends Only” can comment on your journal. You can turn on screening too, if you want. (That’s where only you can see the comment and can decide if you still want that comment there for all to see or if you want to delete it instead.) When you post a journal entry, you can change your “message board” settings for that particular entry too. If you use Semagic, it’s somewhere on the bottom of the screen. If you use the webpage for updating, you have to view more options and then can check or uncheck “disallow comments” for that entry. If you use something else, you’ll need to read the docs.

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